Benefits of the Scheme

Digital radio system


As part of your membership you get a SYB radio that allows you to communicate to other members, local PCSOs and the Police, should you need their assistance. As well as a live database of offenders and daily incidents, all SYB members will have access to a range of SentrySIS marketing materials, including access to this website. The website provides the public and members with important information as well as acting as a tool for potential SYB members to sign up.


Online Secure Information System


As a member you will have access to the SentrySIS secure platform and mobile app. This secure and ISO certified online communications tool allows you and your team to stay up-to-date on important news and updates regarding the scheme, current issues and intelligence. You can share photographs and engage in real-time messaging within a GDPR compliant environment on any web connected device

Overall, the scheme offers a range of advantages that enhance communication, security, and the ability to combat crime effectively.

Real-time News Notifications

Regular Member Briefings

Offenders Gallery

Digital Radio Communications

Training Opportunities

Safe and Secure Platform

Your Premises' Exclusions

Access to Marketing Materials

Working in Partnership

Join Us!

To join the Safer York Business Partnership, please click the 'Join the scheme' button below.

Membership costs:


  • Full member : (Access to Crime Intelligence App & Digital Radio) = £10 INC VAT per week

  • SentrySIS only : (Access to Crime Intelligence App only) = £150 INC VAT per year



Shopwatch meetings are held at Monks Cross/Vangarde and in the city centre every 1 - 2 months. The aim of the meetings is to review trends, incidents and identify offenders suitable to be excluded from SYBP member premises.

The Shopwatch exclusion scheme aims to prevent and deter crime by excluding criminals and troublemakers from member premises.

The partnership provides photographs and names of those excluded under the scheme. Businesses can display window stickers to notify excluded persons that they are not allowed to enter.

Exclusion notices are issued to withdraw the invitation to enter a member's premises. The scheme applies to businesses that are members of the partnership and they may also have their own notices for their premises.

The exclusion panel decides on exclusions based on criteria such as public order offences, theft, assault, etc.

If an excluded person is found inside a member's premises, they should be asked to leave immediately and other members should be informed via the Shopwatch radio or App. The existence of an exclusion notice does not grant additional powers for ejection, but the police can be called if necessary. The best policy is to deny entry to known criminals to reduce the risk of confrontation and save time and effort.


The York Pubwatch meets at 10.30 am on the fourth Tuesday of the month (Excluding December) at Revolution Bar, Coney St, York YO1 9NA.

The scheme is run by a committee and supported by the SYBP coordinator. Attendees are made up of Pubwatch members and also City of York Council and North Yorkshire Police licensing officers.

Agenda items include; Updates on previous actions: input from Police and Council: incidents of note since the last meeting: Up and coming events for the next month: Persons to be considered for banning under the Pubwatch Exclusion Scheme.

The primary objective of the Pubwatch exclusion scheme is to deter and prevent crime by prohibiting violent offenders and troublemakers from entering member establishments.

Exclusion notices are issued to offenders withdrawing permission of entry into member premises. The criteria for exclusions are determined by the exclusion panel and include offences such as public disorder, theft, and assault, among others.

If an excluded person is found inside a member's establishment, they should be promptly asked to leave, and other members should be informed via the Pubwatch radio or App.

The most effective approach is to deny entry to Excluded Persons, reducing the potential for confrontations and saving time and effort.


Click any of the links below to download further information.

Safer York Business Partnership - Booklet